Sunday, December 28, 2008

Software Engineer: Phases of Professional Development

Software Engineer Developmental Rubric

DimensionJr. TechnicianMid Carrier LevelTeam LeaderArchitect
Training Learns job requirementsTeaches requirementsTeaches Technical ConceptsDisseminates cultural values
Operating ProceduresTold what to doStandard Operating ProcedureBest PracticesPatterns and Practices
StandardsWrites code, waits for others to testTest functionality, will settle for working functionalityOversees build, replaces work that is substandardCreates implementations of concepts
RequirementsOnly works on requirements that are supplied.Gets requirements from stakeholdersIntegrates stakeholder requirements with scopeIntegrates requirements, scope with systems architecture and corporate vision. Sets Technical Vision
VisionDisregards vision, too distracting, too many other things to worry aboutDisregards Vision, believes it is just another stupid HR initiativeUses vision to generate excitement.Set vision goals to expand the software community ecosystem and incorporates altruistic agenda.
Value Systemdoes not knowpersonal ethicsteam ethicscommunity ethics
Relationship between Effort and ResultBelieves others are "smarter"Believes excuses, if only everyone else would do something then this would work.Takes responsibility for outgoing work.Integrates contemplation of software concepts into leisure activities. Incorporates professional growth into Personal learning and private conversations.
Programming StyleIn linesome encapsulationclass hierarchiesAsyncronism processing, prototyping, Interface building
TestingExpects others to testAd-Hoc TestingTesting Against use casesAutomated Testing Suites

ref: Appendix A: Memetic system for the historical development of developmental research; Dr.D.K.Dirlam

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